JH Promotion will be streaming live Thursday Night @ 6 PM from the Football Field. Here is the link! https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/new-berlin-high-school-new-berlin-il/evt4836cd37a3
over 4 years ago, Hattie Llewellyn
HS Graduation will be streaming live Saturday Night at 6PM from the Football Field. Here is the link! (Note the time listed is Eastern Time). https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/new-berlin-high-school-new-berlin-il/evt129b8fa15b
over 4 years ago, Hattie Llewellyn
HEALTHY STUDENTS ARE BETTER LEARNERS! Please go to the attached link for the Health Requirements for the 2020-2021 school year. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EfWz4xqI4a7wk9T3kSP5ezPBo81uLnIdFsGrGizp31s/edit?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, Brian Bishop
Healthy Students
NBJH 8th Grade Promotion will take place this Thursday at 6 PM at Pretzel Field. In case of inclement weather, alternate arrangements will be shared with families by Wednesday afternoon.
over 4 years ago, Hattie Llewellyn
8th Grade Promotion
NBHS Class of 2020 Graduation will take place this Saturday at 6 PM at Pretzel Field. In case of inclement weather, alternate arrangements will be shared with families by Friday afternoon.
over 4 years ago, Hattie Llewellyn
HS Graduation
Special Board Meeting 7/22/20 https://5il.co/if1n
over 4 years ago, NB
Online registration is being delayed until next Friday (07/24). The information on how students will return to school continues to be fluid as we wait on further recommendations by our health department. Thank you for your patience!
over 4 years ago, Jill Larson
Kindergarten registration is coming soon. For those families with students entering the elementary school for the first time you wil need to fill out the new student form for each student. Once the form is filled out you will receive your parent portal login information to register your student(s). Here is the link to the new student form https://forms.gle/NEb4K7UKdzjDBu439 Registration for all families will be open on July 17th.
over 4 years ago, Brian Bishop
7.9.2020 Bd. Agenda
over 4 years ago, Cindy Moore
7.9.2020 Bd. Meeting Agenda
July 9 Bd. Mtg Agenda
Today, July 1 from 3-5 pm, the Loami Food pantry will be open. They have lots of milk and fruits that they need to give away. Please help spread the word.
over 4 years ago, Brian Bishop
food pantry
An important message regarding planning for the upcoming school year from Mrs. Jill Larson, Superintendent. https://drive.google.com/file/d/15sPqWibXF1EggC_nZFohC4AQfRvwSVcg/view?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, Brian Bishop
Important Message
Special Board Meeting 6.25.20
over 4 years ago, Cindy Moore
Special Bd. Meeting Agenda 6.25.20
Preschool Developmental Screening Attention Parents of Preschoolers A vision, hearing, and developmental screening for 3 (3 on or before Sept. 1, 2020) to 5 year old children in New Berlin School District will take place on July 14th and 15th from 9:00-2:00. This preschool screening will be provided by Community Unit School District #16. Developmental areas to be checked include speech, language, and basic concepts. We will also be screening vision and hearing. We estimate approximately one hour to complete all aspects of the screening. Parents interested in the pre-kindergarten program for the 2020-2021 school year should bring their children to this screening. The pre-kindergarten staff will be present to answer questions. If you child was scheduled to be screened in April or you had not scheduled an appointment but would like your child to be screened, please go to https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040E44A4AD2AA5FD0-newberlin and sign up for a screening appointment. Please remember that those children who were enrolled in pre-k during the 2019-2020 school year do not need to be rescreened, they will automatically be enrolled in the 2020-2021 school year! Please go online to register! If you know of a family who has a preschool child, please pass this information on to them.
almost 5 years ago, Brian Bishop
Preschool Screening is scheduled for July 14th and July 15th. Please use this link to sign up for your time slot. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040E44A4AD2AA5FD0-newberlin Students who were part of the preschool program in 2019-2020 do not need to be rescreened.
almost 5 years ago, Brian Bishop
Preschool Screening
ATTN: Sangamon County Residents - We need your help! Did you know that funding for our roads, schools, and the Health Department is based on the Census Count? If you have not completed your census, please do so today! You can complete it online at 2020census.gov or by phone at (844) 330-2020. All the info is completely safe and confidential. Here is a video that explains it, https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=12&v=qzmB5oJQ_z4&feature=emb_logo
almost 5 years ago, Brian Bishop
6.11.2020 Board Meeting Agenda
almost 5 years ago, Cindy Moore
6.11.2020 agenda
June Bd. Meeting agenda
DID YOU KNOW? Each year census data determines federal funding for more than 100 programs, including school lunches, highway construction, and education. Please help YOUR Community by completing the census today at 2020census.gov. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRYHXR5nL98
almost 5 years ago, Brian Bishop
Census 2020
Don't Forget! Chromebook, Library Book and Textbook return is this morning from 9 am -12 pm at both the Jr./Sr. High and the Elementary School.
almost 5 years ago, Brian Bishop
Be sure to tune in today and listen as Neuhoff Media Honors the NBHS Class of 2020!
almost 5 years ago, Hattie Llewellyn
Tune In!
REMINDER! Drop-off for chromebooks, library books and other school items will be Thursday from 3 pm - 6 pm and Friday from 9 am - 12 pm for both the Elementary School and Jr/Sr High.
almost 5 years ago, Brian Bishop