Farewell Class of 2020 VidHug! https://app.vidhug.com/r1Fb3dH38/hug

Save the Dates! Pre-K Registration and Screening is currently scheduled for July 14th and 15th unless COVID-19 guidelines dictate otherwise. More information regarding signing up for appointment times will be coming soon!

Friday, May, 29th will be the last day for Pre-K students this year. Mrs. Ruppel and Mrs. Bentley will be conducting family conferences June 1-3.

If there are any current 5th, 6th or 7th graders INTERESTED in playing JH softball, please fill out the form below! This is a form of interest, not a commitment!

Please Click the Image for the New Berlin CUSD #16 End of Year Calendar

Pretzels: Please Complete the 2020 Census! Click this link for more information: https://drive.google.com/open?id=10pBM5AGdzluqn1ZW13Jw5fJNh3Z8Td5r

A Couple of Food Service Announcements-
1. Next Week (5/25-5/29) food service pickup will be on Tuesday and Thursday (since Memorial Day is on Monday).
2. June 1st will be our last day for food pickup. It will include the meals for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
Lastly, I would like to give a Huge Shout Out to our Fantastic Food Service Workers!!!
Dr. Ehrman

IASB Field Services Director Mr. Allen sits down with Board President Mr. Alexander and Superintendent Dr. Ehrman of New Berlin CUSD #16 to discuss how their district has been handling the changes caused by COVID-19.

Pretzel Senior Baseball Tribute Video.

BOE meeting Agenda 5.14.20

Pretzel Families, just a reminder that the pick-up of student personal items will take place on Wednesday from 3PM-6PM and Thursday from 9AM-12PM. This is NOT the time to return school devices as they are still needed for remote learning. Thank You and Stay Safe!

Pretzel community, We regret to inform you that we are going to have to cancel our 2020 summer activities camps due to the state's guidelines. We all hope to get back on the field together soon. Thank you for all you do to make New Berlin such a special place! #pretzelpride

Good Morning!
Here is the information for picking up your child's personal belongings from school. The Jr/Sr HS will have a later date set for returning text books and/or chromebooks. Thank you! https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EVMwZ1sy5SYpRx-nkkItrdPFLx-fcGAq

Save the Date - The District was informed that an “online baccalaureate experience” will take place on May 17 at 6 p.m. through YouTube.

UPDATE - 8th Grade Promotion

Graduation Update

To all of our secretaries - you are all Rock Stars!! Thank you for all that you do!!

Attention Families:

Upcoming Special Board Meeting Agendas

Dear New Berlin CUSD #16 Families, Students, and Parents:
Governor J.B. Pritzker announced today that he is closing the state’s schools for in-person instruction through the end of the academic year because of the safety concerns with COVID-19.
We will continue to implement our Remote Learning Plan and take a moment to digestion such a monumental decision. At this time, we do not have answers to many questions some will have based upon this announcement. Questions regarding Prom, Graduations, gathering items that may still be at school, etc. will eventually have answers when have more information and time to consider our options.
This Pandemic has obviously altered the educational process. It has placed a greater portion the educational process on our parents. I can not thank the parents enough for filling in the gaps that are created with Remote Learning. No one wants a Learning Loss from the physical separation of students from their classrooms. I truly appreciate how our parents have handled this educational transition and provided students with a safe place to learn during this time of required social distancing.
I want to thank you for your patience and understanding as we deal with this unprecedented situation together.
Dr. Adam Ehrman
Superintendent, New Berlin CUSD #16
Pretzel Pride!