We had an amazing turn out for JH Meet the Teacher tonight! Thank you Pretzel Families and Staff for a job well done! If you did not get your child's materials, they will be available for pick up tomorrow after 11:30. Call the office to arrange a time!

New Berlin Elementary Meet the Teacher Information has been posted:
Looking forward to seeing our families on Wednesday!

Jr/Sr HS kicking off Remote Learning Planning Day 1 with Technology Training from our Tech Team! #readytolearn!

Here is the 20.21 NB Jr/Sr HS Remote Learning Plan: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HwugXnhn9P8nEuP8wxn59FcQsQe3LIRFI9BR9JYYSh0/edit?usp=sharing

NB Jr/Sr HS Meet the Parent Night will be held Aug 18th and 19th. Here is the information: https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1B2GrM1PajywLBZsVR95z-2KpLNwxB08yCX-9PacxflA/edit?usp=sharing

Attention NBE Families! Teacher assignments for the 2020-2021 school year have been posted to Family Access. We will have a Meet the Teacher event at NBE from 2pm - 6pm on Wednesday, August 19th. Look for additional information on the event in an upcoming email.

8.13.20 Bd. Meeting Agenda

Please respond to the Census TODAY! It is very important for our community! Funding for our towns, schools, roads, health departments and much more is dependent on the census count. Please complete the census at 2020census.gov or call 844-330-2020. Census workers will start knocking on doors this week, please do your part to help your community by completing your census today!

Per Illinois School Code, students in Early Childhood, PK, Kindergarten, 6th and 9th Grades, and Seniors will still need to provide the required health documents even though we will be learning remotely. The requirement is for any student enrolled in school and not contingent on in-person instruction.
Because of the current circumstances we are extending the deadline for physicals and immunizations this year to October 15, 2020.
If you need assistance meeting this requirement or have any questions at all please contact the nurse.

Attention elementary families! Here is the Back to School Newsletter for New Berlin Elementary.

Attention Parents of Junior and Senior High School Students - this information was sent out in an email this morning, but in case you did not receive it, I wanted to share it out here as well. Thank you! Mrs. Llewellyn

It’s a Pretzel Birthday! Happy Birthday, Mr. Peecher!!

Decision to Go All Remote First Quarter Letter to Pretzel Families

Reminder that on-line registration ends Monday, August 3rd at 5pm. Please contact the Elementary, JH or HS offices if you need assistance.

Meeting Agenda 7.30.20

Reminder - Registration is open! Please register your child/ren. We would like all registration completed by Monday, August 3. Thank you!

Attention NBHS Band Parents and Students: There will be a parent meeting tonight regarding the July/August events via Zoom with our new band director, Ms. Magrath. The Zoom meeting details have been sent out via email. Thank you!

Full Return to Learn Plan as of July 23, 2020

New Berlin Return to Learn Memo by Superintendent Larson as July 23, 2020

The District Return to School Plan is being updated with last minute changes by local IDPH and will be released later today. Thank you for your patience~