Weekly COVID-19 Stats for 04/19/21
almost 4 years ago, Jill Larson
COVID-19 Stats 04/19/21
Menus for the week of April 19 https://5il.co/rpd4
almost 4 years ago, Cindy Moore
New Berlin has job openings for custodial and food services staff. Check out the applitrack link for Pretzel employment opportunities! http://www.applitrack.com/roe51/onlineapp/jobpostings/view.asp?district=803
almost 4 years ago, Cindy Moore
custodial opening
Tonight' School Board Meeting will take place at the NBE Gym as well as being broadcast live on the NFHS Network, 6 p.m. https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/new-berlin-high-school-new-berlin-il/evt179b5e95e1
almost 4 years ago, Cindy Moore
On Wednesday, April 21 there will be a COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic held at the New Berlin/Island Grove Fire House. Call 217-488-6312 to schedule an appointment starting at 9 am every 15 mins. Walk-in's are welcome, but you may need to wait. It is the Pfizer vaccine being offered. You don't have to be a village resident to participate. The district understands that this is a personal choice and is providing this notification as a way to get the word out to those that are interested.
almost 4 years ago, Jill Larson
COVID-19 Stats - Tuesday After Returning from Spring Break
almost 4 years ago, Jill Larson
COVID-19 Stats 04/13/21
Weekly Stats - 04/05 Monday of Spring Break
almost 4 years ago, Jill Larson
COVID-19 Stats 04/05/21
Menu for Thursday and Friday are available https://5il.co/ritn and Check out the Board Book for the Thursday night Board Meeting https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Organization/2004
almost 4 years ago, Cindy Moore
Congratulations to Elliana Neuman for winning the Principal for 30 Minutes prize from Ms. Workman’s class! She wrote some Pretzel Pride thank-you notes and took care of dismissal announcements! Great Job Elliana!
almost 4 years ago, Brian Bishop
thank you
Come Join our Team! Check out the latest employment opportunities at New Berlin CUSD #16 http://www.applitrack.com/roe51/onlineapp/jobpostings/view.asp?district=803
almost 4 years ago, Cindy Moore
join the team
Here is the Zoom link for the Board meeting April 1 To Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/98507011483 Meeting ID: 985 0701 1483 One tap mobile +13126266799,,98507011483# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,98507011483# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 985 0701 1483 Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/auEd2NwEz
almost 4 years ago, Cindy Moore
The Special Meeting Agenda for 4.1.21 has been posted on BoardBook https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Organization/2004
almost 4 years ago, Cindy Moore
Weekly COVID-19 Stats
almost 4 years ago, Jill Larson
COVID-19 Stats 03/29/21
The Agenda for the Special Board Meeting (via Zoom) on March 29, 2021 has been posted on Board Book. https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Organization/2004
almost 4 years ago, Cindy Moore
PLEASE NOTE!! March 31 will be the last day for meal pick ups at the Loami Fire Dept. For those affected, please email meal@pretzelpride.com and we will be happy to make arrangements for delivery. Menus for the week of 3.29.21 https://5il.co/qzlk https://5il.co/qzlc
almost 4 years ago, Cindy Moore
NBE🥨 Families! Don’t forget that the Pretzel Pride PTO book fair will be open tonight 5-7 PM in the elementary library! Promote a love of reading and support our PTO!
almost 4 years ago, Brian Bishop
REMINDER: Wednesday meal pick ups are from 10am-12pm at the following locations: Sangamon county Fairgrounds (follow signs), Loami Fire Station and Deerfield Subdivision on the Corner of Johanne Ct and Bradfordton Rd.
almost 4 years ago, Cindy Moore
Weekly COVID-19 Stats
almost 4 years ago, Jill Larson
Weekly COVID-19 Stats for 03/22/21
Menus for the week of March 22 https://5il.co/qtvt https://5il.co/qtvu
almost 4 years ago, Cindy Moore
Congratulations to the NBHS CACC Fire Science Program Student of the Month for February - Nicholas Lehman!
about 4 years ago, Hattie Llewellyn