Weekly COVID-19 Stats for 04/19/21

Menus for the week of April 19

New Berlin has job openings for custodial and food services staff. Check out the applitrack link for Pretzel employment opportunities!

Tonight' School Board Meeting will take place at the NBE Gym as well as being broadcast live on the NFHS Network, 6 p.m.

On Wednesday, April 21 there will be a COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic held at the New Berlin/Island Grove Fire House. Call 217-488-6312 to schedule an appointment starting at 9 am every 15 mins. Walk-in's are welcome, but you may need to wait. It is the Pfizer vaccine being offered. You don't have to be a village resident to participate. The district understands that this is a personal choice and is providing this notification as a way to get the word out to those that are interested.

COVID-19 Stats - Tuesday After Returning from Spring Break

Weekly Stats - 04/05 Monday of Spring Break

Menu for Thursday and Friday are available https://5il.co/ritn
and Check out the Board Book for the Thursday night Board Meeting

Congratulations to Elliana Neuman for winning the Principal for 30 Minutes prize from Ms. Workman’s class! She wrote some Pretzel Pride thank-you notes and took care of dismissal announcements! Great Job Elliana!

Come Join our Team! Check out the latest employment opportunities at New Berlin CUSD #16

Here is the Zoom link for the Board meeting April 1
To Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 985 0701 1483
One tap mobile
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Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 985 0701 1483
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/auEd2NwEz

The Special Meeting Agenda for 4.1.21 has been posted on BoardBook

Weekly COVID-19 Stats

The Agenda for the Special Board Meeting (via Zoom) on March 29, 2021 has been posted on Board Book.

PLEASE NOTE!! March 31 will be the last day for meal pick ups at the Loami Fire Dept. For those affected, please email meal@pretzelpride.com and we will be happy to make arrangements for delivery. Menus for the week of 3.29.21 https://5il.co/qzlk

NBE🥨 Families! Don’t forget that the Pretzel Pride PTO book fair will be open tonight 5-7 PM in the elementary library! Promote a love of reading and support our PTO!

REMINDER: Wednesday meal pick ups are from 10am-12pm at the following locations: Sangamon county Fairgrounds (follow signs), Loami Fire Station and Deerfield Subdivision on the Corner of Johanne Ct and Bradfordton Rd.

Weekly COVID-19 Stats

Menus for the week of March 22
https://5il.co/qtvt https://5il.co/qtvu

Congratulations to the NBHS CACC Fire Science Program Student of the Month for February - Nicholas Lehman!