The Regular School Board Meeting scheduled for June 10, 2021 has been rescheduled for June 24, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will still take place at the Elementary School Gym.

Tonight is HS Graduation! Watch it via Live Stream @ 7PM: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/new-berlin-high-school-new-berlin-il/evtbcabee5f31

Class of 2021 Senior Walk https://photos.app.goo.gl/3S4K3MLFNTjxG1GC8

Congratulations to 5th Grader Marlow Burger for being selected for the 20/21 Student Leadership Award from the Illinois Principals Association. We are very proud of Marlow! The full presentation can be seen at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGmL4fmXE4A #PretzelPridePerseveres

New Berlin Junior High Promotion is tonight at 7:00 pm. Here is the link to watch: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/new-berlin-high-school-new-berlin-il/evt565546c267

Weekly COVID-19 Stats - 05/17/21

Any incoming 6th, 7th or 8th grade students interested in Jr High softball, please complete the following form or email Coach Roberts at troberts@pretzelpride.com

Menu for wk of 5.17.21

The Agenda for Thursday's Regular Board Meeting has been posted.

Menus for week of 5/10/21

Weekly COVID-19 Stats - 05/10/21

Congratulations to the NBHS WCIA3 Best of the Class 2021. These students will be recognized throughout June on WCIA3 and WCIX49!

Weekly COVID Stats-May 3, 2021

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to our New Berlin CUSD #16 Teachers! We appreciate all that you do for our students, our school, and our community! #pretzelpride

Menu for week of 5.3.21

The agenda has been posted for Monday's Special Board Meeting located in the NBE Gym. Enjoy the Weekend!

After Prom Fundraiser Flyer - May 6, 4 - 8 pm at Sky Zone

Reminder to all NBE families! Square 1 art orders are due TOMORROW! You may order online of send your order form in with your student. Tomorrow is the last day these items can be ordered. Thank you for helping to support our Pretzel Pride PTO and the amazing work they do!

Weekly COVID-19 Stats for 04/26/21

Menu for wk of 4.26.21