Weekly COVID-19 Stats

Reminder - No School on March 15

Today Friday 03-12-2021 is an 11:45 dismissal New Berlin Elementary students will be arriving home early today

Girls on the Run starts Tuesday, March 16. All girls in grades 3-5 are invited to join. Go to www.gotrcentralillinois.org to register before Tuesday!

Lunch Menus for wk of 3.16.21. Please note the changes in pick up lunches.

Reminder - 11:45 am dismissal on Friday, March 12. No School on Monday, March 15.

Check out Board Book for the Thursday night Board Meeting Agenda

Weekly COVID-19 Stats

Pretzel Families! Don't forget that Elementary Picture Re-take day will be Monday, March 8th from 9am to 2pm. We can't wait to see those smiles!

Meet the Candidates 2021 will be held tonight, at 7p.m., via Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting
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Weekly COVID-19 Stats

Here is another link for the menus..lunch menus can be found on the District web page under documents, then food services.

Parents and Guardians, please follow the link to read the letter about the P-EBT program and see is you may qualify.

Attention!! If any 5th, 6th or 7th grade boys are interested in playing baseball during the 2021-2022 school year please fill out the survey below.

NBHS Food Drive!

New Berlin Food Services is hiring! With more students on the path to returning to school Food Services needs help. Apply online today!!

A reminder to return your Miles of Smiles permission slips by this Friday, February 26th. All students in kindergarten, 2nd, 6th, and 9th grades are required to have a dental exam by May 15, 2021. This is a FREE service for any student, not just the required grades!
Click this link for the permission slip.

Weekly COVID-19 Stats

NBHS Celebrates FFA Week this week! See the attachments for the activities! All students can participate in the photo contest!!

CHICKEN DINNER pick up UPDATE: dinners can be picked up at 4pm in the dome parking lot.