Kindergarten information night for the 23-23 school year is March 29th. More information will be coming.
A friendly reminder that we dismiss at 2:21PM today!! Enjoy the sunshine!!
First Grade Salty Dough Winners!
Join us for spirit week for Read Across America!!
Salty Dough Winners for kindergarten.
Another dress up week to celebrate Read Across America!
Tutoring for 2/24 will be canceled due to the weather forecast.
Music Concert Cancelled for 1st grade = 02/24
Fourth and fifth grade county spelling bee participants.
Salty Dough Winners
Another spirit week!
Our kindergarten Salty Dough winners for today!
NBE second grade music concert!
Surprise spirit week! After a few days home we thought it would be fun to come back with a spirit week! Please join us!
These snow days are a great time to get started in our reading challenge. Send Mrs. Pecoraro a picture of you reading with the February theme.
Preschool Developmental Screening
A vision, hearing, and developmental screening for 3 to 5 year old children in New Berlin School District will take place on March 16th and 17th from 9:00-2:00. Please call the Elementary office at 488-6054 to schedule an appointment.
This preschool screening will be provided by Community Unit School District #16.
Developmental areas to be checked include speech, language, and basic concepts. We will also be screening vision and hearing. We estimate approximately one hour to complete all aspects of the screening.
Parents interested in the pre-kindergarten program for the 2022-2023 school year should bring their children to this screening. The pre-kindergarten staff will be present to answer questions.
If you know of a family who has a preschool child, please pass this information on to them.
Phones are up and working again. Thank you for your patience.
Our phones are down at this time. We are not able to call out or receive calls. We will post an update when we are working again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Report cards are available in the portfolio area of Skyward. Detailed directions on how to find the report card were just sent via email. I encourage you to contact your child's teacher if you need more information on your child's performance or would like information on ways to practice skills at home.
1st grade Salty Dough Winners!