Reminder: Permission slips are due today for the Junior Class Education Field Trip.
Pretzel Press Release... Mrs. Yarko's Class goes to the Apple Barn.
Jostens met with Seniors today for Graduation Announcements, Caps/Gowns, etc. Orders are due back 10.4.19 at 7:30 am
Pretzel Birthday!
Junior Class Pie Fundraiser - now through October 2nd!
JH Parents and Students here are the details for the JH Dance: Junior High Area 51 Invasion Dance is Friday from 6 - 8 in the cafeteria. Students will enter through the junior high doors and will need to bring 1 canned food item for entry.
Pretzel Birthday!
Congratulations to Madison Boehler!! Illinois National FFA Chorus Member! We are so proud of you!
Pretzel Birthday!
Section 14 Horse Judging - 2nd Place Overall!
HS Picture Day Details: Flyers will be sent home this week!
JH Picture Day Details: Flyers will be sent home soon!
Pretzel Birthday!!
Pretzel News!
Pretzel Birthday!
Mrs. Landers and the HS Student Council have been gearing up for an exciting 2019 Homecoming! If you would like to order a HOCO 2019 T-Shirt, please complete this form. Payment information is included on the form.
Pretzel News!
Homecoming 2019 Parade Entry Form - If you are interested in having a spot in the NBHS HOCO19 Parade you will need to complete and submit this to Aimee Gray.
Pretzel Birthday!
Pretzel Birthday!