Good morning, NBE staff!

It is that time of the year again for the big yellow busses to start delivering their precious cargo. Never pass a bus with the red lights flashing!

Please join us for the Back To School Festival on Friday, August 16th from 4:00-7:00 pm. We will have bouncy house rides, food & drink, and our fall athletic teams will be holding an open practice! Admission is $1. We look forward to seeing you there!!

The kindergarten team is ready for students!

One more request from our nurse: if any students take daily medication at school, parents may bring that along with the paperwork from the doctor and hands those in to the nurse tonight or tomorrow evening.

Parents, please bring any physical, dental, or vision forms that you have ready to give to the nurse at K Meet the Teacher (tonight) or Unpack the Backpack (tomorrow). If your child’s appointment is scheduled, an appointment card can be turned in to meet the requirements, pending that upcoming appointment.

Pretzel Softball Home Opener!

New Teacher Orientation Day 1

For NBE:
8/14 Kindergarten Meet the Teacher from 6-7pm
8/15 Unpack Your Backpack for 1st-5th from 6-7pm

Now Hiring Cooks (aka NB chefs) at New Berlin CUSD #16. Follow this link to join our team https://www.applitrack.com/roe51/onlineapp/jobpostings/view.asp?district=803&category=Food+Service or call Mr. Jay Ayers at 217-488-2040 ext 518

Important Notice!
Transportation Schedules for 2019-2020 school year will be available via Family Access on Monday August 12th, 2019.
Please be aware that we will not be mailing post cards for the upcoming 2019-2020 school year

The elementary is looking for a qualified sub to complete a 12-week extended leave from late August through mid-November. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please share this information with them.

Reminder: District Registration is tomorrow from 4:30-7pm!

Loami Food Pantry will be open August 3rd from 10-12 for school supply pick up.

Looking for information for the school year? To find what you are looking for follow these steps.

Date Change Notification: July's Board meeting date has been rescheduled from the 11th to the 18th (same place and time). Have a Happy and Safe 4th of July!

During this time of the year, we get a lot of requests for transcripts. Please refer to Mr. Barth's Student Services page to find out how to download a transcript from parchment.com: http://nbhsstudentservices.weebly.com/transcript-requests.html

The 2019 Pretzel Open Golf Outing will be held on Friday, July 19th @ 1:00 in Auburn at Edgewood Golf Course. Please get signed up to support our Sports Boosters and athletic programs! Deadline to sign up is 6/30/19. Thanks for all you do! Go Pretzels!!

Team Orange were the victors in the 3rd Annual NBE Staff Kickball Game!

Jane Whalen’s 5th graders made clay bowls to sell for the “Empty Bowls” fundraiser. They raised funds to benefit the Loami Food Pantry.