Reminder New Berlin Schools will dismiss 1 hour early Tuesday 11-26-19

Pretzels gear up for the most wonderful time of the year! JH Student Council members and Mrs. Tom are ready to Angel Tree shop today!

Pretzels in the News!

Good Morning! The NB Jr/Sr HS Veteran's Day Assembly that was scheduled for today will take place tomorrow, 11.13.19 @ 9 am in the Dome. We hope to see you there!

New Berlin Schools are closed today, November 12th, due to dangerous conditions for some of our road ways. Safety is always our number one priority.

ATTENTION - The JH Girls basketball game scheduled for this evening (11/11) has been cancelled.
Happy Veterans Day! Go Pretzels!

Happy Veterans Day

Important Announcement - Today, we will participate in one of our state-mandated drills with emergency services. There will be emergency service vehicles at our schools as part of the drill. So in an attempt to avoid any cause for concern or alarm, we are sending out this notice to inform everyone ahead of time. These are just safety drills and we are just practicing our safety procedures.

Reminder Wednesday 11-06-19 and Thursday 11-07-19 students will arrive home 1 hour early

NBHS Key Club will host 2nd Annual Veteran's Day Assembly on November 12th at 9 am in the Dome.

REMINDER!! Tomorrow (Wednesday, October 30) is picture retake day at New Berlin Elementary :)

It is Senior Night for Pretzel Volleyball in the Dome!!!

Pretzel News Release - Register for the Turkey Trot!

A huge thank you to Illinois Representative Mike Murphy for visiting with our 4th grade students to talk about local, state and federal government.

Just a reminder-JH/HS picture retake day is on Thursday October 24

Friendly Reminder - Friday 10/26 is an all day Teachers Institute (no school for students).

Dear NBE Families,
Today the New Berlin Board of Education accepted a voluntary separation agreement with the resignation of Mrs. Wills as Principal of New Berlin Elementary. We wish Mrs. Wills the best in all of her future endeavors. Mr. Bishop, Assistant Principal of New Berlin Elementary, will assume the principal duties and will be sending out a follow-up communication.

Great morning for a 6th Grade Girls Basketball Tournament. #pretzelpride

Pump Up the Pretzel Pride Pep Rally! Rain or Shine - Pretzel Pride Prevails!! https://photos.app.goo.gl/CLaJZKquvucAkr8x9

Getting warmed up to march over to NBEL for the Pump Up The Pretzel Pride Rally! #hoco19