Attention Pretzel Families:
We are hosting a FREE Virtual STEAM Family Reading Night on November 19th. Read aloud videos will be on demand and the corresponding material kits will be sent home with your child or available for pickup. Please read all about the event and be sure to sign up at https://sites.google.com/pretzelpride.com/nblibraries
Can't make it on November 19th? That's ok! Everything will be available online on-demand!

Weekly Update on COVID-19 Stats

It's that time of year again!
Register now for the 2nd annual New Berlin Turkey Trot 5k run/walk!
This year's event will be a COVID-friendly, virtual race/walk. Please see the website for all race details and registration information!

The 2020 Pretzel Angel Tree forms are now available by contacting Angie Marr at 488-6054 or Cindy Moore at 488-2040. The form will then be e-mailed after contacting one of these two people. All forms are to be returned to New Berlin Elementary in a sealed envelope labeled Angie Marr, Pretzel Angel Tree no later than November 6.

In Person and Pick up Menu links for wk 11.2-11.6
Menus are located under the District website page, click menu, District Info, then Food Services

Picture Day is coming to New Berlin Elementary School! Picture days have been scheduled for Friday, November 13th and Monday, November 16th. There will be opportunity for fully remote learners to get their picture taken also.

Weekly Update on COVID-19 Stats

REMINDER the pick up location for meals at New Berlin Elementary has CHANGED TO the Sangamon County Fairgrounds, just follow the signs :) Only location has changed. The other pick up locations are still the same (Loami Fire Station and Deerfield Sudivision)

Follow the link to view the Agenda for the upcoming Special Board Meeting on 10.26.20

Menu links for the week of 10.26-10.30.20

New Berlin Elementary update on Attendance and Morning Drop Off

Weekly Update on COVID-19 Stats

Please see the NBE update regarding the self-certification of students here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wgYsTUtSZkOAXVVzfnSXLLpxxTPoJFhdt6M4yxPKl90/edit?usp=sharing

PLEASE NOTE that only the location of meal pick up from New Berlin Elementary school has changed to the Sangamon County Fairgrounds, all other locations are the same.
The links are to the pick up and in person menus for wk of 10.19.20

For information on the District's e-learning plan visit the District page under Documents, select e-learning information. This plan is only used in case of snow or inclement weather days (up to 5 days).

New Berlin CUSD #16 is looking for interested individuals for four Permanent Substitute Positions within the District. If interested, please follow the link for further information.

Weekly update on COVID-19 Stats

Due to Columbus Day on Monday, breakfast and lunch pick ups will be Tuesday (10/13) and Thursday (10/15).

This just in... Congratulations to our 10.2.2020 HW Incentive Winners!

MENU for wk of 10.13-10.16.20
PLEASE NOTE, no school 10.12.20 so lunch pick up will be Tuesday and Thursday next week.