The agenda for a Special Board Meeting on December 17, 2020

Angel Tree gift distribution will take place today.
Pick-up will begin at 6:00 pm at the Knights of Colombus hall and delivery will take place between 6:30 pm and 7:00pm in Loami. Thank you to our community for supporting those in need!

Weekly Update on COVID-19 Stats

Christmas came early in the form of the IL Back to Books Grant that New Berlin CUSD #16 received this fall. We have officially added all of the titles that have been nominated for the IL Monarch, Blue Stem, Rebecca Caudill, and Lincoln Awards. Our students will be eligible to vote for their favorite from each list in February and March. A huge thanks also goes to PTO for getting us started with a handful of titles earlier in the school year. We can’t wait for our readers to get their hands on these books!

In Person and Pick Up Menus for Dec. 14-22 are now available for viewing

Agenda for Board Meeting 12.10.20 has been posted.

Dear NBE Families,
We are aware of some issues following an update to our attendance reporting system regarding remote learning students appearing as absent in the Family Access Portal. Student attendance is recording correctly on the school side of the system. We are presently working on a solution with our technology department and the software vendor.

Weekly Update on COVID-19 Stats

Lunch Menus for wk of 12.7.20

NBHS Student Council Announces November Student of the Month!

NBHS Student Council Announces October Student of the Month!

IN-PERSON and PICK up menus for 11.30-12.4.20

Weekly Update on COVID-19 Stats

Thanksgiving Letter from the Superintendent

Huge kudos to our NBE Pretzel Family for all of their giving this holiday season as part of the Pack the Pantry. Our elementary students PK - 5 collected 816 items for the Loami Community Food Pantry! We are so proud of our Pretzel Family!!! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Contact Tracing over Thanksgiving

Weekly Update on COVID-19 Stats

Please join us for our Virtual STEAM Family Reading Night. All stories and activities are now published on the New Berlin CUSD #16 Library website. Since this event is on demand, please feel free to participate at your convenience. Make sure you share your social media posts with us by using the tag #pretzelsteam or email them to ssmith@pretzelpride.com We would love to see your creations!
Also, a huge thank you to the West Sangamon Public Library, New Berlin Bee, NBE PTO and our volunteer guest readers. We couldn't have done it without you!
Happy Reading and Making!
Mrs. Smith