COVID - 19 Stats 10/29/21 to 11/15/21

The 3rd annual Turkey Trot 5k run/walk will be held Saturday, Nov. 20th! Packet pickup starts at 9:00 a.m. with the racing starting at 10:00. For registration and information please view the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Q-fdVYTYnqCkDZPBKts0bmLgsmT9awczDruQ8TN1P6Q/edit

Angel Tree Forms are due back by Friday, November 5th. The forms can be printed from the pretzelpride.com webpage or by calling the elementary office.

COVID Stats 10/16 to 10/28

The agenda for the Special Board Meeting on Thursday, October 28 at 5:15 p.m. has been posted.

Early Dismissals and No School Announcement

Take a look at the employment opportunities at New Berlin...need just a couple hours a day? check out the Lunch Monitor positions!!

Vaccine Clinic - October 23

The agenda for the Board of Education meeting on Wednesday , October 20 has been posted.

Attention Pretzel Nation!
Help Pretzel Football win the Channel 1450 Fill the Trailer competition and feed families in need.
Anyone interested in donating items for the Fill the Trailer food drive may drop off items at the old gym from 5-7 pm on Wednesday, Oct. 19. All donations go to the Central IL Foodbank.
Most needed items include:
- pasta
- pasta sauce
- canned meat and fruit
- peanut butter
- whole grain cereal
- laundry soap
- bath soap
- toilet paper
- toothpaste
- diapers

COVID-19 Stats for 10/01 to 10/15/21

This Friday (10/15) will be Pink Night at the home football game vs Williamsville! Donations to benefit breast cancer research will be accepted at the gate with proceeds going to the American Cancer Society. We will also offer $1 off admission for each person who brings a food item to donate to the Channel 1450.com 2nd Annual Fill The Trailer Food Drive. Please consider donating to both of these great causes. Thank you and Go Pretzels!!

Community Engagement #2 - 10/16/21

JH scholastic bowl Trivia Night will be held on Oct. 29 at 6:30 in the HS cafeteria. Cost is $10 per person (up to 10 people per team). Feel free to bring your own snack. Hope to see you there!! thhttps://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1uDqyOkSLuCdq-3Gz7qodE07LITRcgv_hoW7DqIF30VI/edit?usp=drive_webere!

Week #1 NB Jr/Sr HS Face Mask Rock Stars!

No School - Monday, October 11, 2021

Community Engagement Session #2

Mon 10/11 (no school) 4-5:30 Pretzel Dome-bring a mask
Wed 10/13 after school-5:00 NBE- Please send a note to school that your student will be staying for cheer camp.
Campers will perform at Friday's home football game 10/15, more info will be sent home next week. GO PRETZELS! *\0/*

Community Engagement #2, October 16

Vaccine Clinic at NBE, Oct. 2 and Oct. 23 from 10 am to noon